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Here are a bunch of books John Harris has read recently and what he thinks about them.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?In a post-apocalyptic world, Rick Deckard is a bounty hunter for the San Francisco Police Department. His job is to retire “replicants” – biological robots who are identical to humans except in their ability to feel empathy. Deckard is also captivated by the “holy grail” of the decimated planet – to own a real biological animal. When a new class of Nexus-6 replicants escapes from Mars to Earth, Deckard is given the job of “retiring” them – an assignment in which he is assisted by an attractive Nexus-6 called Rachael Rosen. With a bored wife at home, Deckard is attracted to the vivacious Rachael at the same time as he seeks to destroy her replicant “twin”.